* Command to check Disk usage ?
* Difference between ps -aux & top command ?
* What are the ways to check CPU usage ?
* How to check CPU details ?
* Explain the steps to create a partition & how to format with file system ?
* Explain the steps to create LV ?
* Explain steps to reduce XFS & EXT files systems ?
* Significance of .bashrc file ?
* How you check the kernel version ?
* How you check the Red hat release version ?
* Significance of resolv.conf file ?
* What is DNS ? How you resolve DNS ? Types of DNS records ?
* Difference between Nginx & HTTP Server ?
* Port no of HTTP, FTP, SSH, HTTPS ?
* What is SSH ? How you generate SSH-keys ?
* What is Private & public key ? How they authenticate ?
* What is the default configuration file of SSH ?
* What is the default configuration file of HTTP ?
* What is Virtual Hosting ? How you configure virtual hosting ?
* Explain ifconfig command ?
* Difference between IPv4 & IPv6 ?
* What is MAC address ? can we change the physical address ?
* How to check system uptime ?
* How to check memory information ?
* What is SWAP ?
* What is the exact memory free in your system ?
* What is cache memory ?
* What if you can do rm -rvf / ?
* Kinds of permission in Linux ?
* What is vim & vi ?
* What is pipe | ?
* What is grep command ?
* What Find command does ?
* How to redirect commands output ?
* What is systemd in Linux ?
* What does systemctl do ?
* If you run a command like nautilus in terminal, whether it will block your terminal or
not ?
* What is rsyslog ?
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