Git and GitHub Full Course | Tech Arkit

01:34 Before Version control system 06:19 What is git and its purpose 08:58 Centralized Version Control System 12:30 Distributed Version Control System 16:20 Installing git in Ubuntu OS 18:19 Installing Git bash in Windows OS 23:32 Creating your GitHub Account 26:41 Creating your first coding repository 30:31 Clone the repository for collaboration 31:10 Working with Local repository 37:48 Git Workflow (Deep dive) 45:13 Creating Personal Access Token for integration 46:52 Authenticating with Personal Access Token from Git Bash 47:39 Git push your code to remote repository 49:42 Creating SSH key based authentication from Ubuntu 56:33 Publish the code from Ubuntu to remote repository 58:32 Creating repository from local laptop 01:08:37 Git branching 01:12:23 Pull Request 01:15:15 Understanding the Git branching importance 01:20:53 Restoring code from staging area 01:22:28 Revert commit to previous state 01:25:18 Git stash 01:31:02 Advanced topics Git Merge vs Git Rebase 01:36:42 Practical reference Git Merge and Rebase scenario 01:45:56 .gitignore and .gitkeep explained Welcome to TechArkIT! In this video, we are going to delve deep into the world of version control with a comprehensive exploration of Git. Whether you're a beginner looking to grasp the fundamentals or an experienced developer seeking a refresher, this video has something for everyone. So, let's embark on this journey to demystify Git. Table of Contents: Introduction to Version Control What is version control? The importance of version control in software development. Git: A Brief Overview History and development of Git. Key features that set Git apart. Installing Git Step-by-step guide to installing Git on different operating systems. Configuring Git for the first time. Git Basics Creating a Git repository. Understanding the working directory, staging area, and repository. The Git lifecycle: adding, committing, and pushing changes. Branching and Merging The concept of branches in Git. Creating and switching branches. Merging branches to consolidate changes. Dealing with merge conflicts. Remote Repositories Introduction to remote repositories. Cloning a remote repository. Pushing and pulling changes from remote repositories. Collaboration with Git Collaborative workflows using Git. Handling contributions from multiple developers. Code reviews and pull requests. Advanced Git Concepts Rebasing and its advantages. Cherry-picking commits. Git hooks and customizing Git's behavior. Git Best Practices Guidelines for effective version control. Commit message conventions. Keeping your Git history clean and organized. Git Hosting Platforms Popular Git hosting platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. Setting up your repository on these platforms. Git GUI and IDE Integration Overview of Git GUI tools. Integrating Git into popular Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). Troubleshooting Git Issues Common Git problems and their solutions. Debugging techniques for Git. By the end of this video, you'll have a solid understanding of Git, its core concepts, and how to use it effectively in your software development projects. Whether you're working on personal coding projects, collaborating with a team, or just curious about version control, this knowledge will empower you.