* What is SSH-tunnel ?
* How to set history size ?
* How to extend VG ?
* What are logical & extended partitions ?
* Explain the steps to reset root password at boot time ?* What are run-levels ? How many types of run levels are there ?
* How we change the run level ?
* How to check the logs ?
* Difference between Journalctl & tail command ?
* What does the subscription -manager do ?
* How to archive a file ?
* What is umask ?
* How to kill a process ?
* How to assign IP address manually ?
* How to assign static IP address to a system ?
* Explain the different type s of Linux process states ?
* What is a Zombie process ?
* What is KVM ?
* What is hypervisor ?
* Difference between MBR & GPT ?
* How you can mount a file system permanently ?
* What is cron ? How to setup a cron job ?
* What is Kickstart ?
* How to create a network bridge in Linux ?
* Difference between iptables & firewalld
* What is SElinux ?
* What is ISCSI & targetcli ?
* Difference between NFS & SAMBA ?
* What is nfsnobody ?
* What is SSHFS ?
* What is Kerberos ?
* How to secure NFS with Kerberos ?
* What is the difference between telnet & SSH ?
* What is DHCP ?
* What is Kickstart file ?
* What is NTP Server ? How to configure NTP ?